
Does my child need therapy?

Does my child need therapy?

We are often asked by concerned parents whether their child needs to see a Psychologist.  Determining whether your child needs psychological support can depend on various factors. Here are some signs that might indicate that therapy could be beneficial: Persistent...

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The Benefits of Online Therapy

The Benefits of Online Therapy

What is lockdown stress? During times of elevated stress, it is important to take care of yourself in whatever way your can. Lockdown is one of those times. Some reasons for greater stress are obvious, but one you may not be aware of is what happens to your body and...

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The Best Thing You Can Do to Feel Better

The Best Thing You Can Do to Feel Better

Exercise is one of the best ways to improve your health and not just physically but mentally too. In fact, exercise is so good for the brain that it is fondly referred to as "Brain-ercise". Some of the benefits of exercise include decreasing stress, anxiety, and...

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Happy Mum’s Guide to Parenting

Happy Mum’s Guide to Parenting

Raising children can be stressful. Parenting is hard because it's is not a one-size-fits-all job. You have to be continually learning, growing, and adapting as your kids grow and change. It can be difficult to juggle the responsibility of parenting with everything...

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What to Expect At Your First Psychology Visit

What to Expect At Your First Psychology Visit

Going to see a Psychologist for the first time can feel really scary and nerve-wracking when you don’t know what to expect. Some of the things that my first-time clients say include things like: “I’m afraid I will be judged”, “I’m afraid you’ll think I’m broken or...

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Resting in Certainty

Resting in Certainty

In times of uncertainty it can be so easy to feel like you are adrift on an ocean not sure which way is North …not a great feeling. In fact, I often say to clients that psychologically, living in the “unknown” is one of the hardest places to live. We can usually face...

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Get Your Stress to Work for You, Not Against You!

Get Your Stress to Work for You, Not Against You!

Stress is part of daily life, no getting around it. However, what if you could use this guaranteed contribution to your day as a resource and set it to work for you? Like most things in life, our perception plays a monumental role in the outcome… no different from our...

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What is Anxiety?

What is Anxiety?

Everyone feels stress or worry from time and time. This level of worry will come and go and tends to by limited in its impact on our overall quality of life. Anxiety however doesn’t follow this pattern, and often permeates our thought lives, and can interfere...

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What is relationship counselling?

What is relationship counselling?

A relationship can exist in many shapes and forms and across a lifetime, they will thread us into multiple connections with other people. These attachments are vital because they create a sense of belonging and connection which improves our sense of self and adds...

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